Researchers have conducted a nationwide survey to find out what’s going on in Americans’ bedrooms.
Are you more of a solitary pleasure, a striptease on Skype, or a fan of sadomasochism? These somewhat intimidating questions have been asked of over 2,000 Americans between the ages of 18 and 91 … for the sake of science! Researchers from the universities of Indiana and North Carolina (United States) have analyzed the sexual practices of Americans. This survey is published in Plos One.
For 15 minutes, the participants had to anonymously answer the researchers’ questions. Over 80% of them reported masturbating, having vaginal penetration sex and performing fellatio or cunnilingus.
Masturbation shunned by Americans
But in detail, the practices of men and women differ. Regarding masturbation, for example, barely 4 out of 10 women admit to having indulged in this little pleasure during the last month compared to 6 out of 10 men. More than 20% of them report never having masturbated during the last month. their life. This is the case for 8% of the men questioned.
Likewise, the researchers found that sodomy did not get everyone’s agreement. While 43% of men say they have practiced it, only 37% of women have ever practiced.
“Leave my toes alone”
On the other hand, men and women meet when it comes to sending naughty photos to their partner (54% of women, 65% of men), reading erotic stories (57% of men and women) or making love in a place where they can be seen or heard (43%).
Men and women do not seem very enthusiastic about threesomes. A great classic of porn films, this practice inspires aversion in 66% of men and 89% of women. And despite the success of Fifty Shades of grey, the flogging did not arouse much envy among the participants: more than 75% did not find it attractive. They are as much to say that having your toes lick or going to tickle the soles of your partner’s feet with your tongue is repulsive.