According to an American study, people suffering from erectile dysfunction see their risk of dying prematurely increased by 70%.
Erectile dysfunction is not to be taken lightly. Because beyond the relational and social discomfort that they can generate, they are often indicative of fatal pathologies, as demonstrated by a recent American study published in the journal Journal of Sexual Medicine.
Deaths eight years after the study
The study was carried out by researchers at the University of Mississippi on 1,790 Americans between the ages of 20 and 85. The volunteers were followed for a whole year (from 2003 to 2004). Among them, 557 suffered from erectile dysfunction. Eight years later, half of these men had died, unlike those who did not present with erectile dysfunction. For a quarter of them, the cause of death was related to cardiovascular problems, while 61 contracted malignant tumors and 12 encountered respiratory problems.
Symptoms of cardiovascular pathologies
The authors of the study therefore came to the conclusion that erectile disorders are symptoms of serious cardiovascular pathologies such as hypertension or hyperlipemia (high cholesterol) and that men encountering this problem see their risk of die prematurely increase by 70%.
However, the researchers qualified their conclusions by specifying that “certain environmental factors were not taken into account” in this work. Further studies will therefore be necessary to support this theory. However, it is recommended that men suffering from erectile dysfunction seek medical attention.
In France, 3 million men suffer from erectile dysfunction and 1 in 3 French people experience this problem from the age of 40.