August 7, 2017
A recent Austrian study, revealed by our colleagues from Figaro, highlights the link between the presence of aluminum in deodorants and the risk of developing breast cancer. A conclusion that is not, however, unanimous among researchers. Explanations.
There is no consensus on the carcinogenic risk of deodorants containing aluminum
A team of researchers from the University of Innsbruck (Austria) has once again looked into the risks of the presence of aluminum salts in deodorants and antiperspirants for our health. Their study, revealed by our colleagues from Figaro, covers 209 women with breast cancer and 209 healthy women. According to their work, the use several times a day of an antiperspirant containing aluminum, on shaved armpits – allowing the aluminum to ” penetrate more easily “- and from an age under 30, would double the risk of breast cancer. This theory confirms a previous Swiss study carried out on mice in 2016.
But according to ANSM, the National Medicines Safety Agency, the link between breast cancer and aluminum is not certain. Like some scientists, who consider that the study does not cover a large enough sample of women, the French Agency believes that we currently do not have enough evidence to properly assess the risk to women. ” There is no relevant element (allowing) to consider the dermal exposure to aluminum as presenting a carcinogenic risk. “, Also specified the ANSM in 2011 in a report.
How do you know if your deodorant contains aluminum?
However, the ANSM recommends caution, recommending limiting the aluminum concentration to 0.6% and not to use them on irritated or injured skin., as can be the case after a shave. To know if your deodorant contains aluminum, it is necessary to read very carefully the packaging, which is required to mention all the ingredients of the product offered for sale, ” in decreasing order of their quantity at the time of their incorporation into the product », As specified by the ANSM.
Thus, the mention of “Aluminum chloryde”, “aluminum chlorohydrate”, “aluminum chlorydrex”, “aluminum chlorydrex”, “aluminum sesquichlorydrate”, “aluminum zirconium” should alert you. Beware of the presence of other substances also singled out by scientists, such as endocrine disruptors and allergens. Choose a deodorant that is as neutral as possible, while avoiding alcohol and perfume.
Aurélie Giraud
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