February 21, 2017.
The inhabitants of the south of France must have realized it: cypress pollens are back on the Mediterranean coast.
Pollination due to the mildness of February
According to the allergo-pollen bulletin of the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA), the regions around the Mediterranean are on red alert for cypress pollen. The departments of Pyrénées-Orientales, Aude, Hérault, Gard, Vaucluse, Bouches-du-Rhône, Var and Alpes-Maritimes are strongly affected. In people with allergies, the eyes must have already started to itch and the noses to runny.
This pollination would have been installed for many weeks now. ” It’s been two months since we are in the cypress pollination period », Explains Doctor Massabié-Bouchat, allergist in Marseille, at the microphone of France Bleu. ” This year, moreover, it happened earlier than usual because of the softness “. According to her, more and more patients are coming to see her for the first time. Pollution but also our lifestyles are responsible for this increase in allergies.
Hazelnut and alder pollens in the rest of the territory
According to the RNSA, the rest of the territory will not be spared. ” Ash pollens will still remain mainly located on the Mediterranean rim., but will gain ground on the Atlantic coast and the Rhône valley Can we read in the allergo-pollen bulletin. ” Throughout the territory, hazelnut and alder pollens will be present as long as the weather remains sunny and mild. “
This invasion of cypress pollen is expected to end in April, but people with allergies don’t rejoice too quickly, new pollens will be teasing their nostrils as early as May. If you are particularly sensitive to different pollens, do not hesitate to rinse your hair every day and clean your nose as often as possible with physiological serum.
Marine Rondot
For more information: Allergies: symptoms and diagnosis