How far will cigarette prices go up? While the neutral package has entered into force among manufacturerslast May, PS deputies Michèle Delaunay and Gérard Bapt propose to go further by increasing tobacco prices by 15% for conventional cigarette packets and by 30% for roll-your-own tobacco. Why such a difference ? First of all because of the greater harmfulness of this last type of tobacco, reports The Parisian. Indeed, the combustion of rolling tobacco produces three to six times more carcinogenic tars, according to Public Health France. The two deputies announced that they will table an amendment as soon as the school year begins as part of the Social Security finance bill (PLFSS).
Decrease smoking among young people
This measure would also aim to lower the youth smoking, because rolled cigarettes are popular with teenage girls, especially because of their current low cost: “Roll-your-own tobacco is kids’ tobacco because it’s cheaper. With it you can make about 47 cigarettes for the price of a pack of 20“, underlines Michèle Delaunay in the columns of the Parisian. The deputies add that they are therefore”in a quasi-moral obligation to do something. “According to Santé Publique France, young French people smoke their first cigarette around 14 and a half and start to smoke regularly around 16. Between 18 and 34 years old, nearly one in two smokes.
I will ask during the PLFSS, the harmonization of the taxation of roll-your-own tobacco, the pathway of young people to tobacco on that of cigarettes.
– Michèle Delaunay (@micheledelaunay) July 28, 2016
. @micheledelaunay and @gerardbapt today ask the Government for a high ↗️ of the prices of
– AlliancevsTabac (@FranceSANStabac) July 27, 2016
>> To read also:
Tobacco: this is “the” ugliest color in the world
Several brands of cigarettes soon to be banned?
Smoking cessation: Champix would be effective (but only in women)
Quitting smoking also helps you drink less alcohol