Made with a 3D printer, this new toothbrush looks like hairy gray dentures. It lasts a year and will cost 300 euros.
“It cleans all teeth automatically and perfectly – every time. This is the slogan of the new generation toothbrush. Blizzident, a group of dentists and engineers, have developed a new toothbrush … 3D printed.
A toothbrush that saves time
The 3D toothbrush looks like gray plastic dentures. It is cast on a radiograph of the client’s teeth to perfectly match its owner’s jawbone. A new technology gadget that still costs nearly 300 euros. At this price, it can last up to a year depending on the dentists who created it. A traditional brush costs on average € 2 and must be changed every three months.
The flagship argument of the company Blizzident is the necessary brushing time: 6 seconds. This task takes 3 minutes during a traditional brushing. The 3D toothbrush would save 50 hours per year. The perfect tool for those who are always short on time.
Two brushes in one
The bristles of the toothbrush are angled to touch the surface of each tooth at 45 degrees, the ideal angle according to dentists. She brushes the upper and lower jaws at the same time. By squeezing and loosening the jaw about fifteen times, the mouth is fully cleaned according to Blizzident. Rotating movements must be carried out with clenched teeth for perfect brushing, as in the demonstration video:
Demonstration of brushing teeth with the 3D brush (Blizzident)
This toothbrush combines the two recommended brushing techniques for double efficiency. The patents are already filed. For assured commercialization, dentists will have to publish comparative clinical trials.