A clear decline in the flu epidemic has been recorded in France, according to Public Health France.
- A clear decrease in influenza indicators in all age groups has been observed in France.
- However, the influenza activity remains supported with all the regions still in epidemic.
- This season, the influenza vaccine has had low efficiency in 65 and over.
The flu which was very virulent in this winter season 2024-2025, begins to loosen its vice on France. “The influenza indicators were clearly decreasing in all age groups and more particularly in children”warns Public Health France in its weekly Posted on February 26, 2025.
Flu: The peak of the epidemic has passed
The figures show it well now. The peak of the flu epidemic has passed. The rate of consultations every ages combined for influenza syndrome in town was 235 per 100,000 inhabitants between February 17 and 23 against 315 per 100,000 inhabitants seven days earlier. SOS doctors was also less requested by seized patients. Their share was down in all age groups: -5.1 points among 0-14 year olds, -4.6 points among 15-64 year olds and -1.3 points among 65 and over. Thus the influenza/influenza syndrome SOS doctors spent this week “From low to low to low intensity”.
“However, the influenza activity remained supported with all the regions still in epidemic” Last week specifies the health authorities. And if in town the doctors face less and less cases of flu, the share of hospitalizations for flu/influenza syndrome remained at a “moderate intensity level” In all age groups (2.2 % of all hospitalizations).
In addition, the number of deaths with a mention of flu among the electronically certified deaths was also down “But remained high compared to previous epidemics”.
Less efficient flu vaccine in seniors
During its latest weekly assessment, Public Health France has also shared an estimate of the effectiveness of the flu vaccine since October 2024. The preliminary results established with the data of the Sentinels and the CNR network advance a 38 % vaccine efficiency for all risky groups. It reaches 50 % among those under 65 with long-term affection and 27 % among 65 year olds and over, vis-à-vis all of the influenza viruses circulating in France.
The RELAB network which brings together 1,600 French laboratories has fairly similar results. The overall efficiency of the vaccine is evaluated at 42 % for all ages, 60 % in those under 65 and 22 % in seniors. In addition, doses seemed to protect more type B flu more than type A. The compilation of eight European studies grouping data from 17 countries shows for its part “A vaccine effectiveness against type A flu for all ages from 32 to 53 % in primary care and from 33 to 56 % in a hospital environment, with some signs of higher vaccination efficiency against type B flu”specifies the report.