Why does tooth color change with age?
The thickness, composition and structure of dental tissues influence natural staining. As we age, the proportion of dentin (naturally more yellow) takes precedence over that enamel(whiter), which wears and thins.
What can also alter their color?
A oral hygiene faulty will never make things better. Not more than cigarette and its infernal tar-nicotine couple. Also pay attention to certain foods and drinks: tea, coffee, wine, cocoa, curry… cola drinksbeets, carrots and berries also stain teeth easily.
Are whitening toothpastes dangerous?
Dangerous, let’s not exaggerate. Even if the titanium dioxide present in most toothpastes worries some environmental defense associations, who fear the nanoparticles it contains. Most often made up of micronized bicarbonate, silica and polishing agents, whitening toothpastes marketed in France must comply with the ISO 11609 standard which, precisely, guarantees that their abrasive power is limited. This does not dispense with respecting certain precautions for use, such as using them only intermittently and always with a soft-bristled brush, pressing gently on the teeth.
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Which electric toothbrush to choose?
Teeth whitening: not without health risks