Covid-19 causes an alteration in blood circulation which hinders the micro-circulation of the penis. The doctor and sexologist Gilbert Bou-Jaoudé tells us how an infection causes erectile dysfunction and emphasizes the need to consult as soon as possible to increase the chances of recovery.
- Gilbert Bao-Jaoudé identifies three causes of erectile dysfunction following a Covid-19 infection: impaired blood circulation, a testosterone deficit and fatigue linked to long Covids.
- Drugs prescribed to treat erectile dysfunction are sometimes used in intensive care for patients with Covid.
- Covid is not an STD.
Covid-19 is a disease that leaves many more or less long-term sequelae in some patients. Whether it’s respiratory problems, loss of taste or smell, the coronavirus affects everyday life but also sex life. A study published on March 20 in the scientific journal Andrology confirms that erectile dysfunction is one of the consequences of infection with the virus. “Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a likely consequence of Covid-19 for survivors, and given the infection’s high transmissibility and higher contagion rates in older men, a worrying phenomenon for a large proportion of patients affected”, concluded Andrea Sansone, lead author of the study.
Drugs against erectile dysfunction used in intensive care
The doctor-sexologist and scientific director of the platforms and, Gilbert Bou-Jaoudé, identifies three causes of erectile dysfunction following a Covid-19 infection. “One of the points of impact of the virus is the alteration of blood circulation, and in particular of micro-blood, so it is logical that the blood micro-circulation of the penis is concerned.he points out as the first factor. Then, we observe in patients who have suffered from moderate to severe forms, a testosterone deficit. Finally, for those who suffer from long Covid, it seems rather logical that the fatigue, lack of vitality, momentum or even the breathing difficulties they experience are associated with a less good sexual form, a lower libido and erection problems.”
The factors predisposing to erectile dysfunction are the same as those that increase the risk of having a severe form of Covid-19. “Obesity, diabetes, hypertension… Erection and Covid have a vascular involvement so vascular risk factors will play on both”, continues Gilbert Bou-Jaoudé.
Drugs prescribed to treat erectile dysfunction are sometimes used in intensive care for patients with Covid, in this case viagra and cialis. A study published on September 8 in the Sexual Medicine Reviews confirmed this link. “Taken in high doses, these drugs improve the functioning of the pulmonary arteriesspecifies the doctor-sexologist. They have had marketing authorization for 10 years for pulmonary arterial hypertension and have proven their effectiveness.”
Covid is not an STD
This link between Covid and erectile dysfunction raises the question of whether Covid is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). “Covid is not an STD in the proper sensehe replies. It is not transmitted by genital contact. On the other hand, sexual intercourse is conducive to transmission. Making love by applying barrier gestures is almost impossible.”
Moreover, some studies have shown traces of SARS-CoV-2 in the semen of some recovered patients, “up to 15-20%specifies Gilbert Bou-Jaoudé. According to the latest data, the virus is present but not active. On the other hand, the presence of the virus raises questions about the possibility that infected people can become fertile..” So far, there is no indication that this is the case. “It will be necessary to observe in the next 2-3 years to get an idea“, he believes.
Finally, the doctor insists on the need to consult when erectile disorders are observed to prevent the situation from getting worse. “If these disorders are taken care of quickly, the chances of recovery increasehe says. Conversely, if they settle, it can drag on and the chances of recovery continue and it can become psychologically burdensome..”