This is an unprecedented approach in France. The School of Advanced Studies in Public Health (EHESP) in Rennes will become the first tobacco-free campus. This measure will take effect on May 31, 2018, on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day.
It will then be impossible to smoke on the Villejean campus, even outside the buildings. For a cigarette break, students will have to leave and move away from the EHESP entrances. Every year, the school trains executives, inspectors and students in public health. It had to “show the example” according to its director Laurent Chambaud.
Dedicated areas at the edge of the campus
“We are training people who will work on these prevention and public health issues on a daily basis, so it seemed natural to us to engage in this approach,” he explains to 20 minutes. “We will no longer be able to smoke everywhere outside. We will install dedicated areas for smokers at the edge of the campus”, he explains.
For offenders, however, no sanction in the program. “I am not in favor of it, we will no longer be in pedagogy,” he says.
Pending the implementation of this initiative, the campus is providing dedicated signage to inform those concerned. And to help those who wish to take advantage of it to quit smoking, the EHESP offers an information stand as well as consultations with a tobacco specialist nurse and sophrology sessions, as she explains. on his site.
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Sport to reduce the damage of smoking
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