Prs Even and Debré are prohibited from practicing for one year. Commenting on this sanction from the Order of Physicians, Prof. Even reiterated his attacks on doctors. The reactions did not take long.
The sanction fell for Professors Philippe Even and Bernard Debré. The two authors of the best seller Guide to 4000 useful, unnecessary or dangerous drugs (2012) are banned from practicing medicine for one year, including a six-month suspension. The disciplinary chamber of the Île-de-France Order of Physicians reproaches the two men for their lack of brotherhood and for “calling into question the competence and honesty of physicians. “
In this guide, which has passed 200,000 copies, Prs Even and Debré draw up a list of drugs they consider unnecessary or dangerous. There was no lack of attacks in the book, which quickly caused controversy. Statins, cholesterol medications, were described as unnecessary in the majority of cases. Half of the drugs would be ineffective according to the authors of the book and 5% of them dangerous.
Professors Even and Debré also attacked allergists, described as “gurus.” “Asked this morning about Europe 1, Prof. Even persists and signs: he evokes“ corruption ”among cardiologists and conflicts of interest among the Order of Physicians. These accusations, Professor Olivier Hoffmann, president of the National College of French Cardiologists, rejects them en bloc. Contacted by why actor, he affirms that “this accusation no longer holds water. “
Prof. Olivier Hoffmann, president of the National College of French Cardiologists: “ One could still wonder when all statins were patented, but there is only one left. “
The Order of Physicians also punishes “defamatory and insulting remarks against (the) colleagues” … that Professor Even reiterated at the microphone of Europe 1. Dr Vincent Renard, President of the National College of Teaching Generalists , contacted by why actor, underlines the irrelevance of certain accusations: “His remarks are a little derisive …” he underlines.
Dr Vincent Renard, president of the National College of Teaching Generalists: “ Mr. Even’s age means that he hasn’t been to medical school for a long time, or he doesn’t know how it works. “
No less than 300 complaints from allergists or cardiologists have been filed against the Philippe Even – Bernard Debré pair. And for good reason: many are those who have pointed out the risks of the Guide of two men, in particular of death. A book “full of errors” according to Prof. Jean-François Bergmann, professor in therapy contacted by why actor.
Prof. Jean-François Bergmann, head of the internal medicine department at Lariboisière hospital (Paris): “ Applying what is written in this book to the letter can kill a sick person. “
Professors Philippe Even and Bernard Debré have already announced their intention to appeal. A symbolic gesture, since they are both retired.