The implementing decrees for the law setting the conditions for the organization and management of medically assisted procreation routes have been adopted. published today in the Official Journal.
The implementing decree specifies that the removal or collection of their gametes, with a view to medically assisted procreation can be performed in women up to her 43rd birthday and the Sperm collection can be performed in men up to their 60th birthday.
To benefit from the autoconservation of gametes with a view to the subsequent realization of medically assisted procreation, oocyte retrieval can be carried out in women from their 29th until their 37th birthday. Men can be collected from their 29th birthday and up to their 45th birthday.
.@olivierveran announces the signing “today” of the decree implementing the #PMAforall : “This is very good news, much awaited” #
– France Inter (@franceinter) September 29, 2021
PMA denied to single women
After a second reading in the assembly (July 31, 2020), then in the Senate (February 2, 2021), the text of the bioethics law, and more precisely its 1,700 amendments, had been examined again in committee at the Assembly before returning to the senators, and the final text was adopted on June 29.
When the law passed 2nd reading in the Senate last March, the senators (as they had done at first reading) opened the PMA to all women, whether they share the life of a man or a woman. During this second passage, they had excluded single women of this new right. “Even if it is a question of a single parenthood chosen and not suffered, the access of the PMA to single women raises many questions with regard to the greater vulnerability in which a single person is placed in the education of a child “had underlined the senator Dominique de Legge (LR), at the origin of this amendment.
In addition, the senators had voted in favor of a amendment allowing post-mortem assisted reproduction, while the deputies had voted against. Lhe post-mortem medically assisted procreation consists of performing ART after the death of the spouse, in the form of insemination of frozen sperm or implantation of a frozen embryo before death.
PMA: is it necessarily an IVF?
Single women or lesbians who enter a journey of PMA are not necessarily affected by a decrease in their fertility. DAI (donor insemination) may therefore be a sufficient solution. Nevertheless, “medically assisted procreation remains above all a medical act”, indicates Professor René Frydman. The future mother will therefore benefit from a complete assessment (evaluation of the ovarian potential, the state of the tubes, etc.) and it is on the basis of this assessment that the most appropriate technique will be chosen.
How is the donor selected?
In France, the matching rule prevails: the CECOS try to find a donor resembling the parents. This allows couples to keep it a secret if they so choose. With the opening of the PMA for couples of women, the question of the “secret” of origins will no longer arise in the same way since the child will know that he was born “otherwise”.
How much does it cost ?
For heterosexual couples, 6 inseminations and 4 IVF are covered by Health Insurance. The associative activists want it to be the same for all women. But yesterday the Senate opposed it, choosing to reserve the reimbursement of ART for infertile couples.
Some interesting proposals should be considered: thus René Frydman recalls that 60% of embryos created in vitro do not develop. He suggests that for everyone (straight, gay, single women) the first two attempts be reimbursed, then that a financial contribution be requested to supply a fund dedicated to research. “It’s not about doing more PMAs, it’s about doing them better.”
PMA: how is it going in Europe?
- Spain, Denmark, Portugal, Ireland, United Kingdom, Benelux, Sweden, and Finland offer PMA for all.
- Estonia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, opened the PMA to single women.
- Malta and Austria to lesbian couples but not to single women.
Read also :
- PMA: France in shortage of eggs and sperm
- Children born from sperm donation are doing well
- Family: French people in favor of assisted reproduction for female couples
- PMA: the Academy of Medicine for the conservation of oocytes