The President of the Republic presented his investment plan for the France of tomorrow in ten specific points. One of the objectives is to design 20 biomedicines to treat certain rare and serious diseases of long duration or linked to aging.
France must take an interest in science
During his speech to present the plan “ France 2030 On October 12, Emmanuel Macron lingered on a subject that deserves all the attention of France: medical research. According to the press release, “ this plan aims to allow France to find its way back to independence […] sanitary […] and to take a step ahead in these strategic sectors. For this, the government allocates a budget of 3 billion euros for this sector of medicine. According to the President of the Republic, innovative treatments generally come from other countries while France has the necessary tools in its possession. This is why he wishes ” Produce 20 biomedicines against cancer and chronic diseases including those related to age and create the medical devices of tomorrow. ”
These biological drugs are in no way from organic farming. It is a drug innovation that has revolutionized certain treatments. In practice, it is a drug that contains an active substance that comes from biology, that is to say from a living being or living matter. The drug is therefore not developed from synthetic chemistry. For example, a biomedicine can come from plants or bacteria, but it can also have certain components of the human body as sources, such as cells, tissues, plasma or even organs. Although complex to design, biomedicines represent the medical future and some experts are convinced that they will be the majority in the pharmaceutical market within a few years.
The medicine of tomorrow
In the 1980s, the first biological drug was manufactured, it is recombinant insulin, used in particular to fight against diabetes. It has been developed to resemble natural insulin as much as possible. Later, in the 2000s, other biomedicines appeared and made it possible to treat diseases that had hitherto been incurable or treated ineffectively, such as certain types of cancer, certain diseases of the immune system or infectious diseases. Since the Covid-19 crisis, the term messenger RNA, the technology used to create the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, is no longer unknown. This is a biomedicine.
Indeed, according to the drug companies, there are three types:
- vaccines ;
- therapeutic proteins (hormones, cytokines, enzymes, etc.);
- monoclonal antibodies that recognize and fight against a specific disease.
In 2014, 173 biomedicines were marketed in France. In the next ten years or so, the current President of the Republic therefore hopes that France will manufacture 20 more. A major challenge is therefore launched for the French pharmaceutical industries.