While auscultating a woman complaining of strange gynecological sensations, doctors found a cockroach in her vagina.
- A patient, living in Honduras, was taken to hospital because she felt “extremely agitated and sweaty” and had a “very strange” feeling in her genitals.
- The doctors were shocked to discover the cockroach in her vagina.
- If an insect finds its way into a vagina, it can cause abnormal or foul-smelling discharge, bleeding, swelling, or a rash.
Here is a case that will give many women cold sweats. Doctors in Honduras removed a dead cockroach from the vagina of a patient who was consulting for sensations “strange” in his private parts!
“When I introduced the speculum, I could see that there was an insect”
A woman, whose identity has not been disclosed, went to the hospital in Tegucigalpa (capital of Honduras) because she felt “extremely agitated, flustered and sweaty”. She told the nursing staff that she had not been able to sleep the night before, because she had the feeling that something “extremely strange” was in her vagina.
It was during the examination that the doctor was amazed to understand the source of her discomfort. Gynecologist Dr. Marco Calix explained to the DailyMail : “When I inserted the speculum, I could see there was an insect. In fact, I pulled out something that looked like a cockroach”. The beast was already dead during the extraction procedure.
The doctor admitted that he and his colleagues had already found condoms or sex toys in the private parts of their patients, but an insect was a first for the establishment. The Honduran was able to leave the hospital after it was confirmed that the animal did not cause internal injuries.
Insect in the vagina: watch out for abnormal discharge and swelling
If no information on the identity of the woman was given, Dr. Calix specified that she lived in a rural area. A few cases of insects getting stuck inside people are reported each year. They are usually found in the ear canal. It is, on the other hand, very rare for a cockroach – the beast most often removed – to be spotted inside a vagina.
Insects that enter the body can be dangerous, as they are likely to cause tissue damage, triggering an infection. The warning signs of such an incident are pain or swelling in the area “busy”. Dr. Calix added that if animals get stuck in vaginas, they can also cause abnormal or foul-smelling discharge, bleeding or a rash.