The low cost dental care centers of the Dentexia association are going to close shop. They were placed in liquidation by the court of Aix-en-Provence.
After closing, judicial liquidation. The high court of Aix-en-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhône) pronounced on March 4 the judicial liquidation of the Dentexia association. Two health centers have been closed for health and safety reasons in recent weeks. Decisions that put the financial future of the structure at risk.
Dentexia has so far offered low cost dental services in six centers. But according to the court, the mode of operation of the structures does not ensure sufficient hygienic conditions and does not allow adequate quality of care. “The main principles that governed the Bachelet law seem to have been forgotten in favor of a mercantile organization,” he underlines in his opinion.
In fact, since February 25, two Dentexia centers have been closed in France, in Chalon-sur-Saône (Saône-et-Loire) and in Lyon (Rhône), due to a lack of hygiene in the premises. Over 1,000 patients have also filed a fraud complaint. “It goes from the customer who showed up for a scaling and came out with a quote of twenty crowns for € 20,000, to the patient who paid for his care in advance, had edentulousness when it was not. not necessary and finds the door closed one day at his dentist ”, told the Parisian the president of the National Confederation of Dental Syndicates, Catherine Mojaïsky, dentist in Melun (Seine-et-Marne). The liquidation risks preventing all of these people from obtaining redress.