This means that the virus is actively circulating in these departments. The prefects can take special measures.
Is this the start of a second wave of Covid-19? The number of new cases is increasing in France. 2669 new contaminations have been identified in the last 24 hours. For comparison, there were an average of 600 new cases per day in early July. Some areas are more affected than others, for this reason, Paris and the Bouches-du-Rhône have been classified in the red zone, i.e. an area of active circulation of the virus, in a decree published in the Official newspaper Friday August 14.
Further measures can be taken
In these two departments, the incidence rate of the disease, i.e. the number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants, is 65.7 in Paris and 53.7 in the Bouches-du-Rhône for the week from 4 to 10 August. These figures are above the alert threshold set at 50. The case of Paris is particular, because this figure takes into account the tests carried out on travelers in airports. When removed from the calculation, the incidence rate drops to 46.2 cases per 100,000 population.
This new classification authorizes the prefects to put in place additional restrictions to stem the epidemic. According to the law of July 9 organizing the end of the state of health emergency, they can in particular order the temporary closure of certain establishments open to the public, such as bars, shopping centers, restaurants or museums. . Markets may also be prohibited. The movement of people and vehicles and access to public transport may be subject to new regulations.
“The indicators are bad”
On France Inter, the director general of health, Jérôme Salomon, said on Friday August 14: “The indicators are bad, the signals are worrying and the situation is deteriorating. But there is no fatality. The fate of the epidemic is in our hands.” He recalled the need to be tested, even when the symptoms are mild, and above all to continue to respect barrier gestures.
Jérôme Salomon: “We are observing two departments that are particularly at risk: Paris and Marseille. We are also monitoring about twenty departments that are above a certain threshold of vigilance.” #Covid19 #le69inter
– France Inter (@franceinter) August 14, 2020
According to the last report from the directorate general of health, the number of people admitted to hospital has been on the rise for three weeks, in particular among those under 40. A total of 4,864 people were hospitalized on Thursday August 13 in the country. Analysis of the figures shows an overall decrease in hospitalizations, but the number of patients admitted each week is increasing: they were 782 between August 3 and 9, compared to 778 the previous week. Since the start of the epidemic, more than 209,000 people have been infected with Covid-19 and 30,388 people have died.