Prime Minister Jean Castex spoke on Wednesday April 28 at a press conference. He announced that Emmanuel Macron’s speech would take place this Friday, April 30, to clarify ” perspectives »Of deconfinement. It would be in the form of an interview.
A “gradual and phased” way out of the crisis
The state of health emergency will soon be lifted in France. However, this does not mean that the return to a life ” normal Will be instantaneous. Indeed, Jean Castex explains that this exit from the crisis “ must lead us to review our legal tools and adapt them to a new situation “. The state of health emergency will be replaced by ” health vigilance In order to react quickly in the event of an upsurge in the coronavirus epidemic. This new regime will be transitional and will be in place until October 31. It will include a number of measures, in particular concerning “ the opening conditions of certain establishments open to the public or any restrictions on travel or gatherings », Clarified the Prime Minister. Controls could also be stepped up at the borders, during which a negative test or a vaccination certificate could be requested.
In addition, the rental of oximeters, small devices to measure the level of oxygen in the blood, will be reimbursed in full. Patients who are equipped with it will then be able to monitor their oxygen saturation level at home and visit a hospital if necessary. This device makes it possible to avoid having to resort to intensive care and thus saturating these services.
For now, it seems that the curfew, which begins at 7 p.m., will continue to be applied until mid-May. Then, Jean Castex explains that “ could go out but not go to some destination places “. Indeed, the new law provides that the government can take the decision to close certain establishments which receive the public, with the help of decrees. The lifting of restrictions should continue from Monday, May 3, in particular with the reopening of middle and high schools. It will also be possible to travel between regions and beyond 10 or 30 km.
The vaccination
The head of government believes that the expansion of vaccination against Covid-19 is ” premature “, even if “ a certain number of appointments (…) are not honored “. However, the goal of reaching 20 million French people by mid-May should be reached. To date, more than 14 million people have received a first injection of the vaccine and more than 5.8 million a second dose.