The best way to promotefeeding with milk is … breastfeeding itself, or, more exactly, breastfeeding that respects these few basic principles:
– An early breastfeeding, within minutes or an hour after birth if possible. This first feeding promotes the milk flow.
– Breastfeeding on demand, as often as baby wish. “It is the most effective way to promote lactation which obeys the principle of the law of supply and demand,” recalls Carole Hervé, IBCLC lactation consultant. If the secretory cells are full of milk, the breast stops producing it, if they are drained, they immediately reproduce milk. In other words, the bigger the baby’s head, the more milk the breasts will produce. “The best is to forget your watch and give your baby the breast at the first signs of awakening”, advises our expert.
A good latch: It is in particular the sucking of the baby’s nipple that causes the hormonal secretions at the origin of lactation. So to make enough milk you need effective suction. “The baby’s whole body should be turned to the breast, not just the head. He must open his mouth wide in order to take the nipple but also a large part of the areola. », Explains Carole Hervé. This correct attachment is essential for a painless breastfeeding, which feeds the baby well and effectively drains the breast. It is also the best prevention against crevices.
Alternative Medicines Can Help Lactation
In homeopathy, here is the prescription of Dr Pierre Popowski, homeopathic pediatrician, author of “To treat your child with homeopathy” (ed. Du Rocher, 2013):
– To promote milk flow, Arnica 15 CH (1 dose immediately after childbirth).
– Zincum 5 CH if the mother is exhausted, cries easily.
– Lac defloratum 4 CH in case of absent, insufficient milk, with poorly developed breasts.
– Natrum muriaticum 9 CH if the fatigue is severe after childbirth and the milk does not seem to benefit the baby.
In herbal medicine, “Fenugreek, Galega officinalis and Milk thistle are known for their galactagogue effect”, notes the lactation consultant. They are found in the form of capsules or herbal teas. For the latter, prefer the preparations of a good herbalist rather than those of the trade.