In sub-Saharan Africa grows an amazing tree, the baobab. It can live more than a thousand years and offers large oblong fruits appreciated by both men and monkeys, hence their nickname “monkey bread”. Under a hard shell, these fruits contain a slightly floury white pulp with many black grains.
The inhabitants of West Africa prepare a refreshing and invigorating drink, bouye juice, with this pulp, water, condensed milk and sugar. With us, we do not find fresh fruit, but dried versions.
Who is it good for?
In Africa it is used to clean wounds, fight against diarrhea, fortify (pregnant women, the elderly). Due to its rich in vitamin C (10 g of powder = 25% of the daily requirement), it is perfect for those who consume little fruit. Its antioxidants help fight free radicals, caused in particular by pollution and stress. Its fibers, in particular the soluble, are useful in the event of digestive disorders.
“It is a very good food supplement when you are tired, convalescent, and after taking antibiotics”, indicates Alexandra Retion, dietician, author of Antioxidants, ed. Hachette Cuisine.
What is it especially good for?
“The baobab fruit is very rich in vitamin C, anti-fatigue and anti-infective. It contains beta-carotene and flavonoids, which makes it a very good source of antioxidants”, adds Alexandra Retion. It provides 45% of fibers, half soluble, half insoluble, which participate in the regulation of transit and help fight against both constipation and diarrhea.
Its powder is 6 times richer in vitamin C than orange, 2 times richer in calcium than milk and 6 times richer in potassium than the banana.
But we do not consume 100 g of it, like fresh food!
How to consume the baobab fruit?
It is still rare to find baobab fruit juice. Its pulp is sold dried, reduced to powder but also sometimes in pieces, on the internet and in organic stores. To get the most of its benefits, it is better to take it in powder form, to add to a drink, yogurt, smoothie, muesli, compote, paste, cheesecake …
The right dose? “At change of season or when you feel tired, you can take 10 g per day for 2 to 3 weeks, in order to strengthen your defenses “, advises the dietician.
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