They are 220,000 per year to use it in France. Yet access toAbortion (IVG) remains complex, according to the Minister of Health Marisol Touraine who reports that four in ten French believe they are not sufficiently informed about abortion. For better enlighten women, answer practical questions and provide them with any support, the ministry is setting up a toll-free number (0.800.08.11.11).
Free and confidential
This information line will be open Tuesday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Monday from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. This free number will not appear on the telephone bill, thus allowing all women to inquire discreetly. The goal: to be able to freely ask questions about the stages of an abortion, the rights enjoyed by a woman who has had an abortion or the deadlines to be respected. This device complements the internet platformdevoted to information on abortion implemented in 2013.
“There is nothing shameful about exercising your rights”
Since the Veil law in 1975, abortion is legal in France within 14 weeks. Yet between 3,500 and 5,000 French women go abroad to have an abortion each year, lack of information and timely support. “There is nothing shameful about exercising your rights, it is affirmed and it is assumed“recalled Marisol Touraine, before adding:”the days of pressure, threats and intimidation are over“. The objective of this campaign is, according to the minister, to make abortion possible in”every woman who wishes, without encountering any obstacle. “
>> To read also:
Abortion: the Senate removes the reflection period
IVG: what techniques are possible?
Abortion: women aged 20 to 24 are the most affected
Abortion: 95% of women have no regrets
Are commercial pregnancy tests reliable?