The Office responsible for examining the files of the victims of the Mediator with a view to compensation is accused, once again, of slowness and of rejecting 95% of the requests.
Out of 7721 files filed, 1493 were studied, only 68 were the subject of a proposal for compensation. Revealed by France Info, these figures make patients jump who consider themselves victims of the Mediator and the lack of recognition of their damage
All people who have taken this medication and who suffer from heart valve damage or pulmonary arterial hypertension, can file a file with the five doctors of the National Compensation Office for Victims of Medical Accidents for a year. (Oniam). For several months, Oniam has been the subject of criticism for its slowness and for a more than careful examination of requests. Patients must present complete records and provide formal proof that the drug is the direct cause of these conditions. They are naturally more frequent with age.
Received today by Oniam, patient associations are calling for faster and easier compensation. The amounts proposed so far vary from 5,000 to 60,000 euros. They obtained that the refusals pronounced so far are motivated or, possibly, rediscussed. Of all the victims whose file was examined, less than 5% received a green light for compensation.