A bit far fetched, but nice photos
Off the hoverboards Back to the Future have been waiting for at least six years (well, Lexus once tried). Because six years ago, on October 21, 2015, Marty McFly got out of the DeLorean that was hitting 88 miles per hour moments before. Unfortunately, a large part of the predictions did not come true, but Porsche believes it has achieved one milestone from the film.
The Ionity charging network in Europe and North America, which is a collaboration between several car brands including Porsche, now offers 1.21 gigawatts of power cumulatively. Fans know right away that this is the power it took to propel the DeLorean through time. Fortunately, Porsche does not use plutonium from Libyan terrorists for this. This concerns a total of about 5,000 fast chargers.
A little far-fetched? Of course. But since Porsche shot some cool photos for the occasion, we forgive them. If you forgive us for being a day late with this post. Or have we made a leap in time ourselves? Who will say.