Lowering the rates for complex procedures to increase those for current procedures, dental surgeons are asking for a revaluation of their core business.
“The system today creates deviations. We pass for thieves, crooks, prosthesis sellers when our core business is not that. Our core business is to avoid prostheses by intervening upstream, ”said Catherine Mojaïsky, president of the National Confederation of Dental Unions (CNSD) at a press conference on the sidelines of their congress in Paris. . On the strength of this observation, dental surgeons have therefore just demanded the doubling of the rates for current care fixed by Social Security, which have not changed for 25 years.
A tooth extraction at 33 euros would increase to 66 euros
This claim of specialists formulated shortly after the publication of a study by the magazine 60 million consumers on “the excessive practices of certain dental surgeons would however have consequences. This doubling of the current rates set by social security for scaling, tooth extraction or the treatment of cavities would cost around two billion euros according to the French Dental Association (AFD) and the CNSD. The price of a dental extraction, now set at 33 euros by the Social Security, would thus increase to 66 euros.
Patients would not pay more than before
However, dentists’ goal is not to have this price increase directly impact patients. Their proposal would be that this doubling of current care prices be covered by Social Security and complementary health care for the patient. Given that more complex care such as dental prosthesis or orthodontics, for which the professionals define the prices themselves, currently generate a significant out-of-charge for the patients, it is necessary to act on the current care for the patients. dentists. According to Catherine Mojaïsky, dentists would therefore be ready to lower the free rates for these complex acts if current care was much better valued. “Our goal is not to increase our income,” she said. Our goal is to move the parameters so that we can work in a coherent way. Today there are a certain number of acts that our colleagues refuse to carry out because it is too little paid, ”she concludes.