HBO and HBO Max grow by 13 million new users to a total of 76.8 million, while Netflix only loses.
Interesting developments in streaming this week. Where Netflix had to report a loss of 200,000 users for the first time in 10 years, HBO reports a nice growth over the past year.
Both HBO and HBO Max grow. In the last quarter of last year, no fewer than 3 million new users were registered. In total, HBO and HBO Max together now have 76.8 million viewers. Of course, that still can’t put them in the shadow of Netflix’s more than 221 million subscribers, but still, at Netflix headquarters, they won’t like this growth in competition.
The growth can be explained, among other things, by the enormous content catalog of Warner Bros. The strategy is aimed at constantly coming up with new extensions. This means that HBO Max currently scores better than Netflix, where fewer new options are added.
Password sharing, a problem Netflix is trying to explain the recent slowdown, is also getting attention at HBO. It will be interesting next year to see who will win the battle for the viewer.