While in September 2013, a new study claimed that the risk of becoming infected with HIV was reduced by 50 to 60% in circumcised men, American and Australian researchers indicate that the benefits of circumcision would be 100 times greater than the risks.
In a study published by the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Professor Brian Morris says circumcision “should have the same status as vaccination,” reports Canadian site Press. “Any delay puts the child’s health at risk and means that the intervention will probably never take place.”
Protection against infections
Among the benefits touted by the researcher: the prevention, during childhood, of urinary tract infections that can damage the kidneys and from which half of babies suffer. According to Brian Morris, a third of uncircumcised men will suffer from a urinary tract infection at some point in their life. He also points out that circumcision would have no negative impact on sexual function, sensitivity or pleasure during the act.
The Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France (Crif) recalled last October that “theAmerican Academy of Pediatrics formed a multidisciplinary working group with top circumcision specialists, which in August 2012 issued a statement that the benefits of neonatal circumcision outweighed the risks. “According to the organization, circumcision also provides protection against some sexually transmitted infections and prevents the occurrence of penile and glans cancers.
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